Full Text
Note: The Agreement entered into force August 30, 1973.
Reference: This Agreement is also published in XII DFA TS No. 1, p, 23.
The Government of the Republic of the Philippines, hereinafter referred to as "the Government", the International Labour Organization, hereinafter referred to as "ILO", and the United Nations Children's Fund, hereinafter referred to as "UNICEF";
Being desirous of obtaining mutual agreement concerning a vocational preparation programme for out-of-school youth, particularly with reference to the purposes of the project and the responsibility which shall be assumed by each of the parties;
Declaring that these responsibilities will be fulfilled in a spirit of friendly co-operation;
The Basic Agreement concluded between the Government and ILO on 23 January 1970 and the Basic Agreement concluded between the Government and UNICEF on 20 November 1948, provide the basis of relationships between the Government and the co-operating agencies in this project and the articles of this Plan of Operations are to be interpreted in the light of the respective basic agreements.
There are approximately six million out-of-school'youth, aged 12 to 17, in the country, representing 17 percent of the population of 36 million. With the growth of the population, the number of out-of-school youth increases every year. These young people who never entered schools or have dropped out of schools before completing elementary education, having no promising future for themselves, create serious problems for the social system and constitute impediment to the national progress and development. Without any basic skills, they are denied even the limited job opportunities available in the present economy. The existing ILO/UNICEF - Vocational Preparation Programme - 30 August 1973 vocational training facilities are inadequate to prepare them for productive pursuits. Recognizing the importance of the problem, the Government has entrusted the National Manpower and Youth Council (NMYC) with the responsibility for planning and co-ordinating programmes designed for young human resource development. Over the last three years, in cooperation with the Bureaus of Vocational Educational and of Public Schools in the Department of Education, the National Manpower and Youth Council has established some 150 vocational preparation centres aimed at providing basic skills and simple management techniques for young boys and girls to prepare them to be productive citizens. However, due to financial constraint, the activities of these centers are limited and isolated. It will certainly help if their planning can be improved, and their implementation effectively coordinated and financially augmented.
The Government, with assistance from ILO and UNICEF, has the following objectives in connection with this plan of operations:
1) To enhance the planning and programming capacity of the National Manpower and Youth Council with a view to the formulation of a national policy on the development of out-of-school youth and the preparation of a long-term plan for nationwide implementation.
2) To strengthen the existing facilities for the training of instructors in vocational preparation of out-of-school youth.
3) To develop adequate curricula and audio-visual teaching aids both for the training of instructors and for vocational preparation of out-of-school youth.
4) To upgrade the present trainers and instructors engaged in out-of- school youth activities.
1. Two officers of the National Manpower and Youth Council who are primarily responsible for youth development will be awarded each a three-month fellowship during the second half of 1973 to observe the youth development schemes in developing countries in the Asia region. Upon their return, the fellows will organize the training programmes proposed in this plan of operations. They will also help in the formulation of a long-term plan for a national vocational preparation programme. In this respect, the services of a consultant will be required for six months in 1974.
2. In consultation with the relevant training institutes, curricula for the training of instructors in vocational preparation as well as for training of out-of-school youth at the barrio level will be developed by the National Manpower and Youth Council. A consultant in curriculum development will be needed for six months in 1974 for this purpose.
3. In view of the present trends of national development, vocational preparation will focus on three main areas: agriculture, cottage industries and industry. The training of out-of-school youth trainers is to be aimed at making them youth developers and youth leaders who will, at the operational level, implement the national vocational preparation programme. Therefore, the content of their training will include theoretical aspects of vocational preparation including subjects on organization and management of co-operatives, simple management principles, bookkeeping and motivation techniques as well as practical work in the above-mentioned three areas.
4. In line with the Government's decision to utilize as much as possible the existing facilities, the following three training institutes, each specializing in one of the three fields mentioned above, will be used as the trainers' training centres:
(a) the National Manpower Skills Centre within the Greater Manila Area (NMSC), UNDP/ILO-assisted project, for industrial training,
(b) the South East Asia Rural Social Leadership Institute (SEARSOLIN) in Cagayan de Oro City, for agricultural training,
(c) the Technological Development Centre of the National Cottage Industries Development Authority (NACIDA) in Marikina, Rizal, for training in cottage industries.
5. The NMSC will serve as the main training centre providing theoretical training for all groups of trainers and practical training in industrial skills, while the other two will provide practical training in their specialties, namely, agriculture and cottage industries.
6. Initially, two training sessions, each of three months' duration, will be held in 1974 for the existing personnel engaged in vocational preparation training activities. It is expected that 45 trainees will participate in each of the two training courses. The participants will include the instructors of the various agricultural, fishery and industrial trade schools and from other government agencies and ILO/UNICEF - Vocational Preparation Programme - 30 August 1973 institutions performing related functions. The National Manpower and Youth Council will pay the per diem for the participants throughout the training period.
7. The National Manpower Skills Centre will conduct seminars in training methodology and other youth development subjects for teaching personnel engaged in vocational preparation activities in industry, cottage industries and agriculture.
8. A production unit for audio-visual teaching aids will be established in the National Manpower Skills Centre. Additional staff will be provided by the Centre for the operation of the unit which will service other training institutes.
9. The Government will expand the facilities of the National Manpower Skills Centre to cope with the new activities. Additional workshops and a new dormitory will be constructed, and/or established facilities of the National Manpower Skills Centre in Taguig, Rizal, will be utilized for the purpose. UNICEF will provide the necessary tools and equipment for all three centres.
10. During the second half of 1974, the Government through NMYC, ILO and UNICEF will carry out a detailed review of the work accomplished. On the basis of that review UNICEF will consider the need, nature and extent of further support to the national vocational preparation programme.
11. The target time schedule for this project will be as follows:
Preparatory Activities
(i) Budget will be approved and will be made available by the Government for the execution of the plan.
July-August 1973
(2 months)(ii) Administrative structure to conduct the programme will be established.
July-August 1973
(2months)(iii) Workshops, dormitory canteen, etc. will be established.
July 1973-January 1974
(2 months)iv) Equipment, materials and other facilities will be made available(both by the Government and UNICEF) and installed in theWorkshops and Curriculum Development Unit.
January-December 1974
(v) Staff will be recruited and senior counterparts to experts will be assigned.
October-November 1973
(2 months)(vi) Two fellowships will be undertaken abroad.
Second half of 1973
Peak Action Activities
(vii) Expert consultants will take up their duties.
During 1974
(viii) Training courses will be designed and curricula prepared.
(ix) Instructors will be selected and approved for courses.
(x) Training courses will be undertaken.
- do-
Phasing-out Activities
(xi) Training schemes will be evaluated.
September-October 1974
(2 months)(xii) Recommendations for further action and development of scheme will be formulated.
November-December 1974
(2 months)PART V
1. The project will be conducted under the responsibility of the UNICEF.
2. The immediate responsibility for the day-to-day operations of this Project will rest with the National Manpower and Youth Council.
The Government, through the National Manpower and Youth Council, shall be responsible for defining and carrying out a continuous evaluation or the work accomplished in, or the progress made towards, meeting the objectives of this plan of operations. The Government will continue the evaluation after the period of international co-operation. The plan of operations and any detailed arrangements for its implementation will be reviewed and modified by mutual consent whenever such action is considered necessary on the basis of the evaluation of the programme.
1. ILO will provide such technical advice and guidance as may be required for the successful execution of the project.
2. From funds provided by UNICEF, ILO will secure the services of two short-term consultants of six-months' duration each, one to help draw up a national programme for vocational preparation, and the other to help prepare the curriculum for trainers and instructors of out-of-school youth, in 1974.
3. ILO will arrange the observation tour for the two government officers mentioned in Part IV, paragraph 1.
4. ILO will provide through the NMYC Centre advice and assistance in the development, production and utilization of audio-visual, teaching and training aids.
1. The UNICEF Executive Board, at its April 1973 session, approved a commitment of $90,000 to meet the following requirements of the programme through the end of 1974:
(i) Equipment, tools and teaching aids for the training institutes.
(ii) Two fellowships for government officers responsible for youth development
(iii) Reimbursement to ILO for two short-term consultants of six months each.
2. Any unused funds will revert to the general resources of UNICEF.
1. The Government will provide all necessary funds, premises, facilities personnel, supplies and equipment. In addition to those provided by ILO and UNICEF, for the successful implementation of the project.
2. The Government will also provide the following:
(a) storage and internal transportation of UNICEF supplies and Equipment;
(b) cost of necessary telephone, telegraph and postal communications;
(c) cost of fuel, maintenance and spare parts[1] for vehicles provided by UNICEF (where pertinent);
(d) cost of public information in connection with the programme;
(e) cost of incidental expenses necessary for the successful execution of the programme.
3. The Government will supply for the international personnel provided by ILO and UNICEF:
(a) office accommodation, furnishings, equipment, stationery and secretarial assistance as required;
(b) transportation at the duty station and within the country while on duty, including transportation from the place of residence to the place of work, and return;
(c) assistance in obtaining suitable accommodation during the period of their official duties in the country;
(d) such other facilities as may be agreed upon between the Government and ILO and UNICEF.
Reports from the Government
4. The Government will keep ILO and UNICEF informed of the progress of the project. Such reports as are required will be prepared periodically by or on behalf of the Government and submitted to the parties.
1. Supplies and equipment, with the exception of vehicles, provided by UNICEF, will be transferred to the Government immediately upon arrival in the country. Transfer will be accomplished upon delivery to UNICEF of a signed Government receipt on the form provided by UNICEF.
2. Should any of the supplies and equipment thus transferred for any reason not be used for the purpose of this plan of operations, UNICEF may require the return of any or all such supplies and equipment remaining unused, and the Government will, when so requested, make such items freely available to UNICEF.
3. Any vehicles provided by UNICEF will remain the property of UNICEF and will be released to the project on the basis of an agreement of loan.
This plan of operations will come into effect upon signature by the parties and will remain in effect until the international assistance provided by ILO and UNICEF is withdrawn, including such period of time as may be necessary for winding up arrangements.
This plan of operations may be modified by mutual consent of the parties.
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the undersigned, being duly authorized have signed this plan of operations.
DONE in nine copies in English.
At Manila, on 30 August 1973 FOR THE GOVERNMENT OF THE REPUBLIC OF THE PHILIPPINES Signature: Name: Carlos P. Romulo Title: Secretary of Foreign Affairs Signature: Names: Bias F. Ople Title: Secretary of Labor Chairman, NMYC At Manila, on 30 August 1973 FOR THE INTERNATIONAL LABOUR ORGANISATION Signature: Name: Hugo C. Lane Title: Director, ILO Area Office, Manila At Manila, on 30 August 1973 FOR THE UNITED NATIONS CHILDREN'S FUND Signature: Name: Akhtar H. Aslam Title: UNICEF Representative
[1] Subject to local availability of such spare parts.