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[ Act No. 110, March 30, 1901 ]
By authority of the President of the United States, be it enacted by the United States Philippine Commission, that:SECTION 1. The following sums in money of the United States are hereby appropriated out of any money in the Insular Treasury not otherwise appropriated, for the payment of current expenses of the Insular Government, for the second quarter of the year nineteen hundred and one and other designated periods, for the purposes and objects hereinafter expressed, viz:CHIEF QUARTERMASTER, DIVISION OF THE PHILIPPINES.For gutters on the Spanish mint, two hundred and twenty-five dollars; pay of native doctors at Iriga, seventy-five dollars; street lamps and chimneys, twenty-one dollars; engineer and foreman for repairs to roads at Iriga, eighty-three dollars and eighty cents; construction of dock at San Miguel, one thousand five hundred dollars; construction of quarantine station, one thousand five hundred and fourteen dollars and thirty-one cents; reimbursement for hire of carriers and bancas, eighty-seven dollars and fifty cents; prisoners at Zamboanga, seventy-seven dollars; payment of all cablegrams throughout the Islands and to the United States, and for the hire of telephones, twenty-seven thousand dollars; cleaning cess-pools, vaults and dry earth closets, six thousand dollars; repairs to the Audencia building, sixty-two dollars and fifty cents; awnings for the Intendencia building, eighty-seven dollars and fifty cents; awnings for the Santa Potenciana building, eighty-two dollars and fifty cents; expenses of the Ice Plant at Manila as follows: for equipment to handle stores and supplies, sixty-eight thousand eight hundred and twenty-five dollars; supplies for a period of six months, including emergency repairs, care and maintenance of land and water transportation, and care of buildings, grounds, and so forth, fifty-one thousand five hundred and twenty-one dollars; labor for a period of six months, twenty-five thousand three hundred and sixty-seven dollars;In all, one hundred and eighty-two thousand five hundred and twenty-nine dollars and eleven cents.DISBURSING QUARTERMASTER OF CIVIL BUREAUS.For salaries in the Court of First Instance at Vigan:One judge at one thousand six hundred and fifty dollars per annum; one district attorney at one thousand three hundred and fifty dollars per annum; one clerk Class C; one defender of poor prisoners at one hundred and fifty dollars per annum; one interpreter at seventy-two dollars per annum; three clerks at ninety-six dollars each per annum; four bailiffs at sixty dollars each per annum; one clerk class nine; one jailer at one hundred and fifty dollars per annum; two assistant jailers at seventy-two dollars each per annum; one thousand four hundred and ninety-one dollars.Court of justice at Vigan:Salary of one justice at eight hundred and sixty-four dollars per annum; one clerk Class I; two hundred and ninety-one dollars.Court of First Instance at Dagupan:One judge at one thousand six hundred and fifty dollars per annum; one district attorney at one thousand three hundred and fifty dollars per annum; one clerk Class C; one defender of poor prisoners at one hundred and fifty dollars per annum; one interpreter at seventy-two dollars per annum; three clerks at ninety-six dollars each per annum; four police at sixty dollars each per annum; one thousand one hundred and seventeen dollars and fifty cents.Court of justice at Dagupan:One justice at eight hundred and sixty-four dollars per annum; one clerk Class I; two hundred and ninety-one dollars.Court of First Instance at Tuguegarao:One judge at one thousand six hundred and fifty dollars per annum; one district attorney at one thousand three hundred and fifty dollars per annum; one clerk Class C; one defender of poor prisoners at ninety dollars per annum; one interpreter at forty-eight dollars per annum; three clerks at ninety-six dollars each per annum; four bailiffs at sixty dollars each per annum; one thousand and ninety-six dollars and fifty cents.Court of justice at Tuguegarao:One justice at eight hundred and sixty-four dollars per annum; one clerk Class I; two hundred and ninety-one dollars.Court of First Instance at Bacolor:One judge at one thousand six hundred and fifty dollars per annum; one district attorney at one thousand three hundred and fifty dollars per annum; one clerk Class C; one defender of poor prisoners at ninety dollars per annum; one interpreter at forty-eight dollars per annum; three clerks at ninety-six dollars per annum each; four police at sixty dollars each per annum; one thousand and ninety-six dollars and fifty cents.Court of justice at Bacolor:One judge at eight hundred and sixty-four dollars per annum; one clerk Class I; two hundred and ninety-one dollars.Court of First Instance at Iloilo:One judge at one thousand six hundred and fifty dollars per annum; one district attorney at one thousand three hundred and fifty dollars per annum; one clerk Class C; one defender of poor prisoners at ninety dollars per annum; one interpreter at forty-eight dollars per annum; three clerks at ninety-six dollars each per annum; four police at sixty dollars each per annum; one thousand and ninety-six dollars and fifty cents.Court of justice at Iloilo:One justice at eight hundred and sixty-four dollars per annum; one clerk Class I; one constable at sixty dollars per annum; three hundred and six dollars.Court of First Instance at Cebu:One judge at one thousand six hundred and fifty dollars per annum; one district attorney at one thousand three hundred and fifty dollars per annum; one clerk Class C; one defender of poor prisoners at ninety dollars per annum; one interpreter at forty-eight dollars per annum; three clerks at ninety-six dollars each per annum; four police at sixty dollars each per annum; one thousand and ninety-six dollars and fifty cents.Court of justice at Cebu:One justice at eight hundred and sixty-four dollars per annum; one clerk Class I; one clerk at seventy-two dollars per annum; one constable at forty-eight dollars per annum; three hundred and twenty-one dollars.Court of First Instance at Cavite:One judge at one thousand three hundred and fifty dollars per annum; one district attorney at one thousand one hundred and twenty-five dollars per annum; one clerk Class D; one defender of poor prisoners at ninety dollars per annum; one clerk at seventy-two dollars per annum; two bailiffs at forty-eight dollars per annum each; eight hundred and thirty-three dollars and twenty-five cents.Court of justice at Cavite:One justice at seven hundred and twenty dollars per annum; one clerk at one hundred and eighty dollars per annum; two hundred and twenty-five dollars.Court of First Instance at San Isidro:One judge at one thousand three hundred and fifty dollars per annum; one district attorney at one thousand one hundred and twenty-five dollars per annum; one clerk Class D; one defender of poor prisoners at ninety dollars per annum; one interpreter at forty-eight dollars per annum; three clerks at seventy-two dollars each per annum; four bailiffs at forty-eight dollars each per annum; nine hundred and five dollars and twenty-five cents.Court of justice at San Isidro:One justice at seven hundred and twenty dollars per annum; one clerk at one hundred and eighty dollars per annum; two hundred and twenty-five dollars.Court of First Instance at Laoag:One judge at one thousand three hundred and fifty dollars per annum; one district attorney at one thousand one hundred and twenty-five dollars per annum; one clerk Class D; one defender of poor prisoners at ninety dollars per annum; one interpreter at forty-eight dollars per annum; three clerks at seventy-two dollars per annum each; four bailiffs at forty-eight dollars per annum each; one jailer at one hundred and fifty dollars per annum; two assistant jailers at seventy-two dollars per annum each; nine hundred and seventy-eight dollars and seventy-five cents.Court of justice at Laoag:One justice at seven hundred and twenty dollars per annum; one clerk at one hundred and eighty dollars per annum; two hundred and twenty-five dollars.Court of First Instance at San Fernando de la Union:One judge at one thousand three hundred and fifty dollars per annum; one district attorney at one thousand one hundred and twenty-five dollars per annum; one clerk Class D; one defender of poor prisoners at ninety dollars per annum; one interpreter at forty-three dollars and twenty cents per annum; three clerks at seventy-two dollars each per annum; four bailiffs at forty-eight dollars each per annum; nine hundred and four dollars and five cents.Court of First Instance at Balanga:One judge at one thousand one hundred and twenty-five dollars per annum; one district attorney at nine hundred dollars per annum; one clerk Class D; one defender of poor prisoners at ninety-dollars per annum; one interpreter at forty-eight dollars per annum; two clerks at seventy-two dollars each per annum; four bailiffs at forty-eight dollars each per annum; seven hundred and seventy-four dollars and seventy-five rents.Court of justice at Balanga:One justice at seven hundred and twenty dollars per annum; one clerk at one hundred and eighty dollars per annum; two hundred and twenty-five dollars.Court of First Instance at Bohol:One judge at one thousand one hundred and twenty-five dollars per annum; one district attorney at nine hundred dollars per annum; one clerk Class D; one defender of pour prisoners at ninety dollars per annum; two clerks at seventy-two dollars each per annum; four bailiffs at forty-eight dollars each per annum; one interpreter at thirty-six dollars per annum; seven hundred and seventy-one dollars and seventy-five cents.Board of officers on claims:One counsel at three thousand dollars per an mini, whose employment as counsel for the United States for the period ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and one, is hereby authorized; one clerk class ten; two clerks class nine; one thousand five hundred and ninety-nine dollars and ninety-nine cents.Office of the Military Secretary:One clerk at two thousand eight hundred dollars per annum; one clerk at two thousand four hundred dollars per annum; two clerks class six; twenty-four clerks class nine; one clerk Class A; nine clerks Class D; ten thousand nine hundred and seventy-four dollars and ninety-nine cents.Department of Archives:One clerk class six: two clerks Class D; two clerks Class I; two clerks Class J; two clerks at two hundred and ten dollars each per annum; two clerks at one hundred and eighty dollars each per annum; two clerks at one hundred and fifty dollars each per annum; two porters at one hundred and twenty dollars each per annum; one thousand three hundred and fifty dollars.Supreme Court:One clerk at two thousand four hundred dollars pur annum; one clerk class five; one clerk at one thousand five hundred dollars per annum; two clerks class six; three clerks class nine; three thousand two hundred and seventy-five dollars and one cent.For miscellaneous salaries, as follows:One clerk class nine, in the office of chief assistant, First District, Department of Northern Luzon, hereby authorized; two clerks class nine, and two laborers at one hundred and twenty dollars each per annum, to perform the clerical and manual labor necessary in the managing and carrying on of the disbursing depot for the provost guard; nine hundred and sixty dollars.For the payment of public printing for the offices of the Military Secretary, the Civil Commission, and various other civil bureaus for the first and second quarters of the year nineteen hundred and one, eighteen thousand dollars.In all, fifty-one thousand and thirteen dollars and twenty-nine cents.MEDICAL SUPPLY DEPOT, DEPARTMENT OF NORTHERN LUZON.For the pay of fifty vaccinators, three thousand one hundred and fifty dollars; for the pay of native physicians employed in smallpox hospitals for natives, and for the treatment of native prisoners at Bacolor, San Isidro, Iba, Dagupan, Lingayen, and Vigan, and for the purchase of medical supplies for native prisoners in the military prisons at those places, two thousand eight hundred dollars; for the purchase of medical supplies for sick and indigent natives, one thousand two hundred dollars; for the purchase of stationery for the disbursing officer, fifteen dollars.In all, seven thousand one hundred and sixty-five dollars.PATHOLOGICAL LABORATORY.For the payment of one native laborer at five dollars per month, fifteen dollars.CHIEF SIGNAL OFFICER.For purchases and services in connection with the construction and maintenance of telegraph, telephone and cable lines in the Islands and for the hire of native linemen, messengers, machinists and native cable employees, sixteen thousand dollars.GENERAL SUPERINTENDENT OF EDUCATION.For salaries: General Superintendent at six thousand dollars per annum; one clerk class six; one clerk at one thousand five hundred dollars per annum; three clerks class nine, hereby authorized; one clerk Class A; one clerk Class C; one janitor at one hundred and twenty dollars per annum; two packers at ninety dollars each per annum; one clerk at twelve dollars per week; ten division superintendents at two thousand four hundred dollars per annum each; nine thousand eight hundred and sixty-one dollars.For traveling expenses of division superintendents and other employees, five thousand four hundred and forty dollars and eighty cents; for salaries of teachers from the States and teachers now employed, two hundred and fifty thousand dollars; for traveling expenses of teachers from the Slates, fifty thousand dollars; for books for the Department library, two hundred and fifty dollars; for continuation of financial aid to schools at Balayan and San Pedro Macati, two hundred and ten dollars; for foreign postage, ten dollars; for office stationery, supplies and printing, not obtainable from the disbursing quartermaster, two hundred and fifty dollars; for the purchase of quilez and horse for Department use, two hundred and twenty-two dollars and fifty cents; for financial aid for schools at Batangas for nineteen hundred and for the first quarter of nineteen hundred and one, four hundred and eighty-eight dollars; for financial aid for schools at Isabela de Basilan for the last quarter of nineteen hundred and the first quarter of nineteen hundred and one, two hundred and sixty-four dollars and fifty cents; for financial aid for the schools at Lucban, two hundred and seventy dollars.In all, three hundred and seventeen thousand two hundred and sixty-six dollars and eighty cents.COLLECTOR OF CUSTOMS OF THE ISLANDS AND OF THE CHIEF PORT.Sixty-eight thousand two hundred and forty-two dollars and nine cents, for the following purposes, viz:For regular supplies, eight thousand dollars; for incidental expenses, five hundred and seventeen dollars and twelve cents; for rents and repairs to buildings, two thousand and eighty-one dollars and fifty cents; for transportation, five thousand nine hundred and eighty-four dollars; for salaries and wages, fifty-five thousand four hundred and sixty-two dollars and forty-nine cents; for miscellaneous expenses, seven thousand seven hundred and sixty-five dollars and twenty-five cents; for refunds, three thousand five hundred and sixty-eight dollars and six cents; making a total of eighty-three thousand three hundred and seventy-eight dollars and forty-two cents, from which is to be deducted the sum of fifteen thousand one hundred and thirty-six dollars and thirty-three cents, the balance from former appropriations which may be applied for the above purposes.COLLECTOR OF INTERNAL REVENUE OF THE ISLANDS.For regular supplies, three thousand two hundred and sixty-two dollars and fifty cents; for incidental expenses, fifty-seven dollars and fifty-five cents; for rents and repairs to buildings, one thousand four hundred and eleven dollars and twenty-three cents; for transportation, five hundred and twenty-eight dollars and sixty-three, cents; for miscellaneous expenses, sixty-eight dollars and twenty cents; for salaries and wages, eleven thousand one hundred and seventy-two dollars and thirty cents.In all, sixteen thousand five hundred dollars and forty-one cents.TREASURER OF THE ISLANDS.One clerk at two thousand one hundred dollars per annum; one clerk class eight; one clerk class nine; one clerk Class I; one employee at one hundred and twenty dollars per annum; one thousand two hundred and eighty dollars and one cent.OFFICE OF PATENTS, COPYRIGHTS AND TRADE MARKS.For one clerk Class A, two hundred and twenty-five dollars.FORESTRY BUREAU.For salaries for the month of April, nineteen hundred and one; Four foresters at two thousand four hundred dollars each per annum; one clerk class six; three clerks class nine; two clerks Class A; ten assistant foresters at six hundred dollars each per annum; thirty rangers at three hundred dollars each per annum; one wood-worker at seventy-five cents per day; one messenger at ninety dollars per annum; two thousand six hundred and seventy-eight dollars and fifty cents; incidental expenses, two hundred and twenty-five dollars; traveling expenses, three hundred dollars.In all, three thousand two hundred and three dollars and fifty cents.BUREAU OF MINING.For salaries: One mining engineer at one thousand five hundred dollars per annum; one clerk at one thousand five hundred dollars per annum; one clerk at three hundred and thirty dollars per annum; one clerk at one hundred and fifty dollars per annum; one clerk Class C; one clerk at ninety dollars per annum; one laborer at sixty dollars per annum; one thousand and eighty-seven dollars and fifty cents; for transportation, ninety dollars; for rent of post-office box, four dollars.In all, one thousand one hundred and eighty-one dollars and fifty cents.DEPARTMENT OF POSTS.For salaries: Director General at five thousand dollars per annum; one clerk class four; two clerks class five; one clerk class seven; three clerks class eight; two clerks class nine; one clerk class ten; one clerk Class I; three clerks at one hundred and fifty dollars each per annum; five thousand five hundred and fifty dollars; traveling expenses of post-office inspectors, one hundred and eighty dollars; sea transportation, foreign mails, one thousand dollars; inland mail transportation, five hundred dollars; for miscellaneous expenses, five hundred dollars; for sea and foreign mail transportation for the first quarter of the year nineteen hundred and one, fifteen thousand eight hundred dollars; for miscellaneous expenses for the first quarter, nineteen hundred and one, one thousand dollars.In all, twenty-four thousand five hundred and thirty dollars.CAPTAIN OF THE PORT AT MANILA.Office supplies, one hundred and seventy-three dollars and fifty cents; for salaries: One clerk class six; one clerk at one thousand three hundred and fifty dollars per annum; four clerks class nine; two clerks Class A; three clerks at four hundred and fifty dollars each per annum; one clerk Class I; one clerk at one hundred and fifty dollars per annum; one chief messenger at one hundred and eighty dollars per annum; five messengers at one hundred and fifty dollars each per annum; three thousand one hundred and twenty dollars; launch crews, eight hundred and eighty-eight dollars; lighthouses and signal stations, two thousand six hundred and fifty-seven dollars and sixty cents; machine shops, five thousand three hundred and ninety-six dollars and four cents.In all, twelve thousand two hundred and thirty-five dollars and fourteen cents.CHIEF PAYMASTER, DEPARTMENT OF NORTHERN LUZON.For payment of the squadron of Filipino Cavalry, thirteen thousand dollars.DISTRICT COMMANDER AT ISABELA DE BASILAN.For salaries: One clerk at one hundred and eighty dollars per annum; one clerk Class D; one hundred and ninety-five dollars; regular supplies, nine dollars; rent for office used by district commander, thirty-seven dollars and fifty cents; incidental expenses, ten dollars.In all, two hundred and fifty-one dollars and fifty cents.OFFICE OF AUDITOR FOR THE PHILIPPINE ISLANDS.For salaries: Auditor at six thousand dollars per annum; deputy auditor at four thousand dollars per annum; chief clerk at two thousand two hundred and fifty dollars per annum; seven clerks class six; five clerks class seven; six clerks class eight; nine clerks class nine; two clerks class ten; two clerks Class A; two clerks Class B; two clerks Class C; two clerks Class D; two clerks Class E; two clerics class F; two clerks Class I; three messengers at one hundred and fifty dollars each per annum; fifteen thousand eight hundred and fifteen dollars; for printing and binding, four thousand dollars; for purchase of rubber stamps, fifty dollars; for washing towels, twenty-five dollars.In all, nineteen thousand eight hundred and ninety dollars.OFFICE OF PROVOST-MARSHAL-GENERAL AND DEPARTMENTS REPORTING TO HIM.Department of Streets, Parks, Fire and Sanitation: for employees in fire, street, and sanitary work; One chief street and sanitary inspector at one thousand eight hundred dollars per annum; one engineer at one thousand five hundred dollars per annum; two street and sanitary inspectors at one thousand two hundred dollars each per annum; six street and sanitary inspectors at eight hundred and forty dollars each per annum; one captain of firemen at seventy-five dollars per month; five first lieutenants at thirty-seven dollars and fifty cents each per month; eight second lieutenants at twenty-five dollars each per month; one first machinist at twenty-five dollars per month; one second machinist at twenty dollars per month; two clerks class nine; one clerk Class A; one clerk Class D; one clerk at one hundred and eighty dollars per annum; one clerk at one hundred and fifty dollars per annum; one clerk Class I; three guards at ten dollars each per month; thirty-four sergeants at ten dollars each per month; six mechanics at eight dollars each per month; sixty firemen at seven dollars and fifty cents each per month; seven hundred and eighty laborers at seven dollars and fifty cents each per month; one engineer and machinist for road rollers at sixty dollars per month; two engineers for road rollers at twenty-five dollars each per month; two firemen for mad rollers at twenty dollars each per month; twenty-five thousand nine hundred and forty-four dollars.For salaries of employees for the city parks: one superintendent at one hundred and twenty-five dollars per mouth; one inspector at one hundred and twenty-five dollars per month; one overseer at twenty-five dollars per month; two assistant overseers at eleven dollars and twenty-five cents each per month; four foremen at ten dollars each per month; five gardeners at nine dollars each per month; one hundred laborers at seven dollars and fifty cents each per month; three carpenters at eleven dollars and twenty-five cents each per month; one mason at nine dollars per month; one mason at eleven dollars and twenty-five cents per month; twelve carts for hauling stone and gravel at one dollar per day each; four thousand six hundred and fifty-one dollars and fifty cents.For cleaning Matadero and city markets: One inspector at seventy dollars per month; one assistant inspector at thirty dollars per month; one overseer at twelve dollars and fifty cents per month; thirty laborers at seven dollars and fifty cents each per month; one horse and cart at seventy-five cents per day; ten hundred and eighty dollars and seventy-five cents; for removing night soil, three hundred dollars; for operating the rock quarry at Binangonan; one foreman at sixty dollars per month; one engineer at thirty dollars per month; forty laborers at fifty cents per clay each; two thousand and ninety dollars; for the wages, of crew of launch towing garbage and stone scows: one captain, twenty-five dollars per month; one engineer at twenty-five dollars per month; one assistant engineer at seventeen dollars and fifty cents per month; one steersman at eleven dollars and twenty-five cents per month; two firemen at twelve dollars and fifty cents each per month; three sailors at seven dollars and fifty cents each per month; three hundred and seventy-eight dollars and seventy-five cents; for night labor on Calle Rosario and the Escolta, five hundred and eighty-five dollars; for cleaning streets, collecting and disposing of garbage, ten thousand eight hundred and eighty-seven dollars and eighty cents; for road material, fifteen thousand dollars; for forage and shoeing of Fire Department horses, six hundred and eighty-eight dollars and fifty cents; for continuation of the opening, cleaning and repairing of drains and sewers, six thousand dollars; for rent of land on which the Paco crematory is situated, forty-five dollars; for ten additional laborers for operating the rock quarry, hereby authorized, four hundred and fifty-five dollars; for purchase of forage for one hundred mules, two thousand eight hundred and sixty-six dollars and fifty cents; for twenty-five teamsters at fifty dollars each per month, hereby authorized, three thousand seven hundred and fifty dollars; for twenty-five teamsters at twenty dollars per month each, hereby authorized, one thousand five hundred dollars; for salary of one superintendent of department transportation at one hundred dollars per month, hereby authorized, three hundred dollars; for coal, rope, oil, chain, paint, lumber, and incidental expenses, three thousand dollars; for hoes, rakes, shovels, wheelbarrows, and other incidental expenses for fire stations, street cleaning and sanitation, three thousand dollars.In all, eighty-two thousand five hundred and twenty-two dollars and eighty cents.DEPARTMENT OF WATER SUPPLY.For salaries: One clerk at one thousand five hundred dollars per annum; one clerk class nine; two clerks Class A; one clerk Class F; one clerk at three hundred and thirty dollars per annum; two clerks Class J; two clerks at two hundred and ten dollars each per annum; two clerks at one hundred and eighty dollars per annum each; one clerk at two hundred and seventy dollars per annum; twenty laborers at ten dollars per month each; eight inspectors at nine dollars per month each; eleven pipemen at ten dollars per month each; eleven pipemen at nine dollars per month each; eleven pipemen at seven dollars and fifty cents each per month; one engineer at one hundred dollars per month; one engineer at fifty dollars per month; one engineer at thirty-five dollars per month; one engineer at thirty dollars per month; three assistant engineers at twenty dollars per month each; three firemen at twelve dollars and fifty cents per month each; one mechanic at ten dollars per month; three greasers at fifteen dollars per month each; one greaser at ten dollars per month; eleven coal passers at ten dollars per month each; one blacksmith at fifteen dollars per month; four carpenters at ten dollars per month each; six employees at seven dollars and fifty cents per month each; five thousand one hundred and sixty-three dollars; for maintenance and supply, one thousand dollars; for office expense, one hundred dollars; for coal, seven thousand dollars; for installation of hydrants for street sprinklers, seven hundred and fifty dollars; for covering of air vents over water reservoirs and along pipe lines from Santolan to Deposito, one thousand dollars.In all, fifteen thousand and thirteen dollars.DEPARTMENT OF CITY PUBLIC WORKS.For salaries: First assistant engineer at one thousand eight hundred dollars per annum; second assistant engineer at nine hundred dollars per annum; one inspector at one thousand five hundred dollars per annum; three inspectors at one thousand two hundred dollars each per annum; two inspectors at nine hundred dollars each per annum; one clerk Class A; two inspectors at seven hundred and fifty dollars each per annum; one clerk at two hundred and seventy dollars per annum; one chainman at two hundred and seventy dollars per annum; one chainman at one hundred and eighty dollars per annum; one rodman at two hundred and seventy dollars per annum; one draftsman at one hundred and eighty dollars per annum; one flagman at one hundred and eighty dollars per annum; two clerks at one hundred and eighty dollars per annum each; three watchmen at ninety dollars per annum each; two cocheros at ninety dollars per annum each; one clerk Class H; one clerk at one hundred and fifty dollars per annum; one draftsman at nine hundred dollars per annum; three thousand eight hundred and ninety-two dollars and fifty cents.For office expense, seventy-five dollars; for city bridges, three thousand dollars; for Santolan road, four hundred and fifty dollars; for instruments, fifty dollars; drawing materials, seventy-five dollars; map of Manila, five hundred dollars; for the completion of Quinta Market, twenty-five thousand four hundred and twenty-two dollars; for maintenance of stock, three hundred dollars; for repairing grating at Matadero, six hundred and seventy-five dollars; for the completion of the work on Santa Cruz bridge at Manila, thirty thousand seven hundred and sixty dollars and fifteen cents.In all, sixty-five thousand one hundred and ninety-nine dollars and sixty-five cents.DEPARTMENT OF PRISONS.For the Presidio de Manila: for subsistence for seven hundred and fifty prisoners, five thousand one hundred and eighteen dollars and seventy-five cents; for lights, ninety dollars; for salaries; one superintendent at one thousand eight hundred dollars per annum; one capataz at three hundred and sixty dollars per annum; one capataz at three hundred and thirty dollars per annum; four capataces at two hundred and forty dollars per annum each; three hospital stewards at two hundred and seventy dollars per annum each; one chaplain at three hundred dollars per annum; one interpreter at six hundred dollars per annum; one storekeeper at nine hundred dollars per annum; one teamster at ninety dollars per annum; two clerks at one hundred and fifty dollars per annum each; one lieutenant at forty dollars per month: three sergeants at twenty dollars per month each; six corporals at fifteen dollars per month each; forty privates at twelve dollars per month each; three thousand six hundred and twenty-two dollars and fifty cents.For sundry office supplies, sixty dollars; for transportation repairs, thirty dollars; for repairs, three hundred dollars; drugs for hospital, two hundred and twenty-five dollars; uniforms for police, two hundred and sixty dollars; for purchase of materials and tools for manufacturing department, and supplies for the laundry department, two thousand dollars.For one sergeant for native police guard at twenty dollars per month, two corporals for native police guard at fifteen dollars per month each, one hundred and fifty dollars; for ten privates for the month of March and eighteen days in February at twelve dollars per month each, one hundred and ninety-two dollars; one sergeant for the month of March at twenty dollars per month, two corporals for the month of March at fifteen dollars per month each, hereby authorized, fifty dollars; for lights for the months of February and March, thirty-seven dollars and fifty cents.In all, for the Presidio de Manila, twelve thousand one hundred and thirty-five dollars and seventy-five cents.Carcel Publica:For subsistence for six hundred native prisoners, four thousand and ninety-five dollars; for twenty European prisoners, two hundred and fifty-four dollars and eighty cents; for lights, fifty dollars; for salaries; one alcalde at seventy-five dollars per month; one physician at one hundred dollars per month; one chaplain at twenty-five dollars per month; one interpreter at thirty dollars per month; one capataz at twenty-five dollars per month; three capataces at seventeen dollars and fifty cents per month each; four bastoneros at twelve dollars and fifty cents per month each; two clerks at twelve dollars and fifty cents per month each; one thousand one hundred and forty-seven dollars and fifty cents.For sundry office supplies, thirty-six dollars; for miscellaneous repairs, three hundred dollars; for salary of one capataz for eight days in February and for the month of March at seventeen dollars and fifty cents per month, twenty-two dollars and seventeen cents; for twenty-five lanterns, thirty-seven dollars and fifty cents.In all, for the Carcel Publica, five thousand nine hundred and forty-two dollars and ninety-seven cents.In all, for the Department of Prisons, eighteen thousand and seventy-eight dollars and seventy-two cents.DEPARTMENT OF INSPECTION.For salaries: One clerk of class nine, and one clerk at four hundred and fifty dollars per annum, four hundred and twelve dollars and fifty cents.For subsistence and treatment of indigent and insane natives and Spaniards at Hospicio de San Jose, seven thousand five hundred dollars.In all, seven thousand nine hundred and twelve dollars and fifty cents.DEPARTMENT OF LICENSES AND MUNICIPAL REVENUE.For salaries: One clerk at one thousand two hundred and sixty dollars per annum; four clerks class nine; one clerk Class I; one clerk at two hundred and eighty-eight dollars per annum; one clerk sit two hundred and ten dollars per annum; two clerks Class J; nine clerks at one hundred and fifty dollars per annum each; four clerks at one hundred and twenty dollars per annum each; one vehicle inspector at one thousand two hundred dollars per annum; one license inspector at one thousand two hundred dollars per annum; one inspector at nine hundred dollars per annum; one inspector at one thousand and twenty dollars per annum; one inspector at eight hundred and twenty-eight dollars per annum; one inspector at four hundred and eighty dollars per annum; one inspector at four hundred and fifty dollars per annum; three inspectors at one hundred and eighty dollars per annum each; two inspectors at one hundred and fifty dollars per annum each; one inspector at ninety dollars per annum; two dog catchers at five dollars a month each; one cart, horse and driver at one dollar and fifty cents per day; four thousand two hundred and ten dollars and fifty cents.For salaries for the slaughterhouse: One superintendent at nine hundred dollars per annum; one conserge at two hundred and forty dollars per annum; one minister at ninety dollars per annum; one weigher at one hundred and fifty dollars per annum; one bookkeeper at one hundred and eighty dollars per annum; eight laborers at one hundred and twenty dollars per annum each; one clerk at one hundred and twenty dollars per annum; one guard at one hundred and eighty dollars per annum: three guards at one hundred and forty-four dollars pur annum each; eight hundred and thirteen dollars.For salaries in the markets: For one inspector at one thousand five hundred dollars per annum; three inspectors at three hundred and sixty dollars per annum each; one chief collector at three hundred dollars per annum; three chief collectors at two hundred and forty dollars per annum each; thirty-one collectors at one hundred and forty-four dollars per annum each; one market superintendent at four hundred and twenty dollars per annum; two market superintendents at three hundred and sixty dollars per annum each; two thousand three hundred and one dollars.For stationery and printing, five hundred dollars; for bounty for one thousand two hundred dogs, thirty dollars; for Matadero fuel, three hundred dollars; for brassards, fifty-six dollars and twenty-five cents; for numbering vehicles, fifty-six dollars and twenty-five cents; for transportation, one hundred and fifty dollars; for incidental expenses, one hundred dollars.In all, eight thousand five hundred and seventeen dollars.DEPARTMENT OF THE BOARD OF HEALTH.For salaries of the office force: Four clerks class nine; one clerk Class A; one physician at fifty dollars per month; one clerk Class J; one thousand six hundred and thirty-five dollars.For municipal physicians and midwives: Eleven municipal physicians at thirty-seven dollars and fifty cents per month each; eight municipal midwives at seven dollars and fifty cents per month each; one thousand four hundred and seventeen dollars and fifty cents.Vaccine station:One director at four hundred and fifty dollars per annum; one assistant at two hundred and forty dollars per annum; one inspector of vaccination at one hundred and eighty dollars per annum; twelve public vaccinators at one hundred and eighty dollars per annum each; four messengers at ninety dollars per annum each; eight hundred and forty-seven dollars and fifty cents.Veterinary department and meat inspection :One city veterinarian at one thousand eight hundred dollars per annum; one assistant veterinarian at one thousand five hundred dollars per annum; one meat inspector at nine hundred dollars per annum; two assistants at twenty-five dollars per month each; one conserge at the cattle quarantine station at fifteen dollars per month; one man with disinfecting cart at seven dollars and fifty cents per month; one thousand two hundred and sixty-seven dollars and fifty cents.Plague hospital:Two practicantes at twenty-five dollars per month each; two servants at seven dollars and fifty cents per month each; one female nurse at six dollars per month; one cook at ten dollars per month; two hundred and forty-three dollars.Steam disinfecting plant:One fireman at fifteen dollars per month, forty-five dollars.Smallpox hospital:One inspector at twenty-two dollars and fifty cents per month; one cook at ten dollars per month; one servant at five dollars per month; one hundred and twelve dollars and fifty cents.Pay roll at Paco cemetery, three hundred and twenty-two dollars and fifty cents; pay roll at La Loma cemetery, two hundred and ten dollars; rent of keepers' houses, Paco and La Loma cemeteries, fifty-one dollars; one burial permit clerk at fifteen dollars per month; forty-five dollars.In all, six hundred and twenty-eight dollars and fifty cents.Inspector's department:For salaries: One chief inspector at fifty dollars per month; ten district inspectors at twenty-five dollars per month each; fifteen sub-district inspectors at twenty dollars per month each; forty-five sanitary inspectors at fifteen dollars per month each; one interpreter at fifty dollars per month; three thousand nine hundred and seventy-five dollars.Municipal laboratory:For salaries: One assistant bacteriologist at twenty-five dollars per month; one janitor at twenty dollars per month; one servant at seven dollars and fifty cents per month; one chemist at one hundred and fifty dollars per month; one chemist at seventy-five dollars per month; one assistant chemist at sixty-two dollars and fifty cents per month; one practicante at twenty dollars per month; one servant at seven dollars and fifty cents per month; one thousand one hundred and two dollars and fifty cents.For transportation, one thousand and ninety-two dollars; for miscellaneous expenses, nine hundred and forty-five dollars; for preparing vaccine virus, three hundred dollars; for incidental expenses in the veterinary department, Board of Health, chemical department, bacteriological department, anti-plague virus farm and cemeteries, nine hundred and eighty-five dollars; for running expenses for the smallpox hospital and the plague hospital, eight hundred and fifty dollars; for fuel for the plague hospital and for the steam disinfecting plant, five hundred dollars; for printing for the office of the Board of Health, three hundred dollars; for burial of paupers, one hundred and eighty-five dollars; for lime, sand, and cement for cemeteries, sixty dollars.In all, for the Department of the Board of Health, sixteen thousand four hundred and ninety-one dollars.DEPARTMENT OF POLICE.For the Metropolitan Police of Manila: Forty-eight sergeants at ninety dollars per month each; forty-eight corporals at seventy-five dollars per month each; six hundred privates at sixty-five dollars per month each; one hundred and forty thousand seven hundred and sixty dollars.For the native police of Manila, thirty-three thousand seven hundred and sixty-five dollars, for the following purposes: One inspector at seventy dollars per month; one assistant inspector at fifty dollars per month; one doctor at fifty dollars per month; two telephone men at fifteen dollars per month each; nine captains at fifty dollars per month each; twenty lieutenants at forty dollars per month each; one sergeant major at twenty-five dollars per month; seventy-two sergeants at twenty dollars per month each; seventy-three corporals at fifteen dollars per month each; and one thousand one hundred and two privates at twelve dollars per month each; making in all fifty-one thousand seven hundred and two dollars, from which is to be deducted seventeen thousand nine hundred and thirty-seven dollars appropriated by Act Numbered Fifty-eight.For salaries: Two interpreters at one hundred dollars per month each; three interpreters at fifty dollars per month each; five interpreters at thirty-seven dollars and fifty cents per month each; four interpreters at twenty-five dollars per month each; one thousand nine hundred and twelve dollars and fifty cents.One secret service man at one hundred dollars per month; three secret service men at twenty-five dollars per month each; three secret service men at fifteen dollars per month each; six hundred and sixty dollars.Six clerks class nine; two clerks at one thousand and twenty dollars per annum each; two thousand three hundred and ten dollars.Medical supplies, two hundred and twenty-five dollars; contingent expenses, seventy-five dollars; for native laborers employed at Stations of the Metropolitan Police for the month of March and the second quarter of the year nineteen hundred and one, fourteen native laborers at six dollars and fifty cents per month, hereby authorized, three hundred and sixty-four dollars.In all, for the Department of Police, one hundred and eighty thousand and seventy-one dollars and fifty cents.DEPARTMENT OF ILLUMINATIONS AND TELEPHONES.For maintaining street and harbor lights, nine thousand and fifty-four dollars and seventy-five cents; maintaining lights in public buildings, police stations', public markets, and Carcel de Bilibid, one thousand four hundred and thirty-one dollars and sixty cents; for rent of telephones, four hundred and thirty-five dollars; for salaries; one electrician inspector at one thousand two hundred dollars per annum; one clerk class nine, six hundred dollars.For supplies and materials for repairs to existing installations and for increased service, three hundred and seventy-nine dollars and seventy-two cents.In all, eleven thousand nine hundred and one dollars and seven cents.DEPARTMENT OF SECRET SERVICE.For salaries: Five agents at one thousand two hundred dollars per annum each; one agent at nine hundred dollars per annum; one agent at four hundred and fifty dollars per annum; one agent at three hundred dollars per annum; four agents at two hundred and forty dollars per annum each; six agents at one hundred and eighty dollars per annum each; one clerk class nine; one clerk at four hundred and fifty dollars per annum; one driver at ninety dollars per annum; two thousand eight hundred and fifty-seven dollars and fifty cents.For Rufino Jimino, in lieu of pension, thirty dollars; for transportation of agents, two hundred and twenty-five dollars; for secret service information, three hundred dollars; for photographs for rogues' gallery, thirty-seven dollars and fifty cents.In all, three thousand four hundred and fifty dollars.DEPARTMENT OF ADJUTANT-GENERAL'S OFFICE.For salaries: One clerk class six; two clerks class seven; six clerks class eight; nineteen clerics class nine; one clerk at four hundred and fifty dollars per annum; one clerk Class I; four clerks Class C; one clerk at one hundred and eighty dollars per annum; ten thousand and two dollars and fifty-four cents.For fifty orphans at Santa Isabel college at six dollars and fifty cents per month each, nine hundred and seventy-five dollars; for stationery, printing and advertising and for contingent expenses, two thousand five hundred dollars.In all, thirteen thousand four hundred and seventy-seven dollars and fifty-four cents.DEPARTMENT OF CITY PUBLIC SCHOOLS.For salaries: Forty-eight teachers at average monthly salary of eighty-three dollars and thirty-three cents; forty-eight teachers at average monthly salary of thirty dollars; eighty teachers at average monthly salary of twenty-five dollars; twenty-two thousand three hundred and nineteen dollars and fifty-two cents.For salaries in the superintendent's office: One superintendent it three thousand dollars per annum; one clerk class nine; one property clerk class nine, hereby authorized; one clerk at one thousand and eighty dollars per annum; one clerk Class I; one laborer at seven dollars and fifty cents per month; one thousand seven hundred and seventeen dollars and fifty cents.For salaries for teachers in the night schools: Eleven principals at two dollars per night each for the month of June; for eighty teachers at one dollar and fifty cents per night each for the same period; for four janitors at four dollars per month each for the same period; two thousand and four dollars.For carromata hire for the superintendent of city schools and for the superintendent of the Nautical School, two hundred and twenty-five dollars; for books, stationery and incidentals for the Nautical and the municipal schools, nine hundred dollars; for oil, thirty dollars; for rent of building, girls' school, Pasay, thirty dollars; for salaries in the Nautical School; one superintendent at one hundred dollars per month; one instructor at fifty-four dollars and seventeen cents per month: one instructor at fifty dollars per month; one instructor at forty-one dollars and sixty-seven cents per month; one instructor at eighty-three dollars and thirty-three cents per month; one rigger at thirty dollars per month; one assistant rigger at seven dollars and fifty cents per month; one secretary at seven dollars and fifty cents per month; one janitor at fifteen dollars per month; one thousand one hundred and sixty-seven dollars and fifty-one cents.For increase in salaries of principals and others in lieu of rent: forty principals at fifteen dollars per month each; eight janitors at ten dollars per month each; thirty-two janitors at seven dollars and fifty cents per month each; four janitors at nine dollars per month each; eight janitors at six dollars and fifty cents per month each; three thousand and twenty-four dollars.One delivery cart and horse, seventy-five dollars; for new furniture and repairs to furniture in new schools at San Nicolas, Dulumbayan, Santa Mesa, and to equip rooms in present schools vacated by principals' families, three thousand seven hundred dollars; printing, five hundred dollars.In all, thirty-five thousand six hundred and ninety-two dollars and fifty-three cents.DEPARTMENT OF MUNICIPAL RECORDS.For salaries in Supreme Court: One president at four thousand two hundred and fifty dollars per annum; one president of the criminal branch at three thousand two hundred and fifty dollars per annum; one president of the civil branch at three thousand two hundred and fifty dollars per annum; two associate justices of the criminal branch at two thousand five hundred dollars per annum each; one associate justice of the civil branch at two thousand five hundred dollars per annum; four thousand five hundred and sixty-two dollars and forty-six cents.Attorney-General's Department:One Attorney-General at three thousand seven hundred dollars per annum; one assistant attorney-general at two thousand one hundred dollars per annum; two assistant attorneys at one thousand six hundred and fifty dollars per annum each; four district attorneys at one thousand three hundred and fifty dollars per annum each; one clerk Class C; one clerk at twelve dollars per month; one clerk at nine dollars per month; one clerk at seven dollars and twenty-nine cents per month; one porter at five dollars per month; one clerk at five dollars per month; three thousand nine hundred and nineteen dollars and eighty-six cents.Civil branch: One clerk at one thousand three hundred and fifty dollars per annum; two clerks at twelve dollars per month each; three clerks at six dollars per month each; for allowances for expenses at twenty dollars and eighty-four cents per month; five hundred and twenty-six dollars and two cents.Criminal branch: One clerk at one thousand three hundred and fifty dollars per annum; four clerks at twelve dollars per month each; four clerks at six dollars per month each; one clerk at one thousand five hundred dollars per annum; for allowances for expenses at twenty dollars and eighty-four cents per month; nine hundred and ninety-one dollars and two cents.General offices: One clerk at one thousand three hundred and fifty dollars per annum; one official counsellor at nine hundred dollars per annum; one clerk at thirty-six dollars per month; one clerk at fifteen dollars per month; one clerk at twelve dollars per month; two clerks at ten dollars per month each; two clerks at nine dollars per month each; two clerks at six dollars per month each; one clerk Class H; six bailiffs at ten dollars and eighty-three cents per month each; five porters at five dollars per month each; allowance for expenses at fifty-eight dollars and thirty-four cents per month; one thousand four hundred and thirty-six dollars and forty-six cents.Medico-legal department: Two physicians at fifty dollars per, month each; two practicantes at fifteen dollars per month each; one at fifteen dollars per month; one servant at five dollars per month; four hundred and fifty dollars.For salaries: One judge at one thousand six hundred and fifty dollars per annum; two clerks Class C; twelve clerks at ten dollars per month each; four bailiffs at six dollars per month each in each of the district Courts of First Instance of Binondo, Tondo, Quiapo, Intramuros, four thousand eight hundred and eighteen dollars; one interpreter at forty-one dollars and sixty-six cents per month in each of the above courts, with the exception of the district Court of First Instance at Quiapo, three hundred and seventy-four dollars and ninety-seven cents; for the salary of one justice of the peace at eight hundred and sixty-four dollars per annum; one clerk Class I; four clerks at ten dollars per month each; two bailiffs at six dollars per month each in each of the justice of the peace courts of Binondo, Tondo, Quiapo and Intramuros, one thousand seven hundred and eighty-eight dollars.Superior provost court: One clerk class nine; one clerk at four hundred and fifty dollars per annum; four hundred and twelve dollars and fifty cents.Inferior provost court: One clerk Class A; one clerk at four hundred and fifty dollars per annum; three hundred and thirty-seven dollars and fifty cents.Collector of taxes:One clerk class nine; two clerks at one hundred and eighty dollars per annum each; three hundred and ninety dollars.Department of municipal records: One clerk class nine; one clerk Class A; one clerk Class C; one clerk Class I; one clerk at seven hundred and fifty dollars per annum; for stationery at seven dollars and fifty cents per month; contingent fund at twenty-five dollars per month; one thousand and sixty-five dollars.Department of prison records: Two clerks at four hundred and fifty dollars per annum each, two hundred and twenty-five dollars.Office of judge advocate, provost guard: One clerk class nine, three hundred dollars.In all, twenty-one thousand five hundred and ninety-six dollars and seventy-nine cents.Department of chief surgeon, provost guard: For subsistence of Metropolitan Police ad milled to military hospitals from February fifteenth to June thirtieth, nineteen hundred and one, one thousand seven hundred and seventy-two dollars and sixty-four cents.Department of receipts and disbursements:For salaries: Two clerks class nine; one clerk Class A; eight hundred and twenty-five dollars.Public prosecutor:One clerk at seven hundred and fifty dollars per annum, one hundred and eighty-seven dollars and fifty cents.In all, for the office of the Provost-Marshal-General and departments reporting to him, four hundred, and eighty-two thousand seven hundred and nine dollars and twenty-four cents.Disbursing officer at Iloilo, Panay:For maintenance of vaccine farm, three hundred and seventy-four dollars; for salaries of native help, one hundred dollars; for purchase of medicines, one thousand dollars.In all, one thousand four hundred and seventy-four dollars.Disbursing officer of the Fnited States Philippine Commission:For salaries and expenses, forty-five thousand dollars.Total of appropriations for all purposes, in money of the United States, one million two hundred and sixty-three thousand seven hundred and eleven dollars and fifty-nine cents.SEC. 2. The public good requiring the speedy enactment of this appropriation bill, the passage of the same is hereby expedited in accordance with section two of "An Act prescribing the order of procedure by the Commission in the enactment of laws," passed September twenty-sixth, nineteen hundred.SEC. 3. This Act shall take effect on its passage.Enacted, March 30, 1901.
Source: Supreme Court E-Library