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Date filed
July 11, 2022
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Committee Report No.
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Entitled: AN ACT STRENGTHENING THE MECHANISM FOR LAND USE DEVELOPMENT AND INFRASTRUCTURE PLANNING AND BUDGETING FOR STATE UNIVERSITIES AND COLLEGES, AMENDING FOR THE PURPOSE REPUBLIC ACT NO. 11396, OTHERWISE KNOWN AS THE "SUCS LAND USE DEVELOPMENT AND INFRASTRUCTURE PLAN (LUDIP) ACT" [ FIRST REGULAR SESSION, 19TH CONGRESS ] [ 2022 ] 11/7/2022 Prepared and submitted jointly by the Committees on HIGHER, TECHNICAL AND VOCATIONAL EDUCATION, PUBLIC WORKS and FINANCE with Senators PIA S. CAYETANO, ALAN PETER S. CAYETANO, RAMON BONG REVILLA JR., FRANCIS G. ESCUDERO and SONNY ANGARA as authors per Committee Report No. 9, recommending its approval in substitution of SBN-251; 11/8/2022 Committee Report Calendared for Ordinary Business; 11/8/2022 Sponsor: Senator FRANCIS G. ESCUDERO; 11/22/2022 Letter from Senator MANUEL "LITO" M. LAPID dated November 21, 2022, conveying his intention to be a co-author of SBN-1470, received by LBIS; [ 2023 ] 2/21/2023 Letter from Senator JOEL VILLANUEVA, conveying his intention to be made co-author of SBN-1470; received by LBIS; 2/22/2023 Transferred from the Calendar for Ordinary Business to the Calendar for Special Order; 2/22/2023 Sponsorship speech of Senator FRANCIS G. ESCUDERO; 2/22/2023 Co-sponsorship speech of Senators PIA S. CAYETANO and ALAN PETER S. CAYETANO; 2/28/2023 Interpellation of Senator AQUILINO "KOKO" III PIMENTEL; 3/1/2023 Letter from Senator LOREN LEGARDA dated February 22, 2023, expressing her intent to co-author SBN-1470, received by LBIS; 5/31/2023 Letter from Senator CYNTHIA A. VILLAR dated May 23, 2023, conveying her intention to be a co-author of SBN-1470, received by LBIS;