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Date filed
August 31, 2022
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Committee Report No.
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Entitled: AN ACT INSTITUTING THE CITIZEN SERVICE TRAINING COURSE, ESTABLISHING THE CITIZEN SERVICE CORPS, CREATING THE CITIZEN SERVICE MOBILIZATION COMMISSION, APPROPRIATING FUNDS THEREFOR, AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES [ FIRST REGULAR SESSION, 19TH CONGRESS ] [ 2022 ] 8/31/2022 Introduced by Senator JOSEPH VICTOR G. EJERCITO; 9/7/2022 Read on First Reading and Referred to the Committees on HIGHER, TECHNICAL AND VOCATIONAL EDUCATION; NATIONAL DEFENSE AND SECURITY, PEACE, UNIFICATION AND RECONCILIATION and FINANCE; 10/25/2022 Conducted JOINT COMMITTEE MEETINGS/HEARINGS; 11/29/2022 Conducted JOINT COMMITTEE MEETINGS/HEARINGS; [ 2023 ] 1/23/2023 Conducted TECHNICAL WORKING GROUP; 1/25/2023 Conducted JOINT COMMITTEE MEETINGS/HEARINGS; 2/6/2023 Conducted JOINT COMMITTEE MEETINGS/HEARINGS; 2/20/2023 Conducted TECHNICAL WORKING GROUP; 2/27/2023 Conducted TECHNICAL WORKING GROUP; 3/21/2023 Returned jointly by the Committee on HIGHER, TECHNICAL AND VOCATIONAL EDUCATION (upon recommendation of the Subcommittee on the Revitalized Reserve Officers Training Corps Act) jointly with the Committees on NATIONAL DEFENSE AND SECURITY, PEACE, UNIFICATION AND RECONCILIATION and FINANCE per Committee Report No. 62, recommending that it be substituted by SBN-2034; 3/22/2023 Committee Report Calendared for Ordinary Business; 3/22/2023 SUBSTITUTED BY SBN-2034 UNDER COMMITTEE REPORT NO. 62.