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Entitled: AN ACT RATIONALIZING THE NIGHTWORK PROHIBITION ON WOMEN WORKERS, THEREBY AMENDING ARTICLES 130 AND 131 OF PRESIDENTIAL DECREE NUMBER FOUR HUNDRED FORTY-TWO (PD 442), AS AMENDED, OTHERWISE KNOWN THE LABOR CODE OF THE PHILIPPINES [ FIRST REGULAR SESSION, 15TH CONGRESS ] [ 2011 ] Introduced by Representatives RUFUS B. RODRIGUEZ, MAXIMO JR B. RODRIGUEZ, JUAN EDGARDO M. ANGARA, BEN P. EVARDONE, EDUARDO R. GULLAS and MARCELINO R. TEODORO; Approved on Third Reading by the House of Representatives on March 23, 2011; 3/29/2011 Sent to the Senate requesting for concurrence; 5/9/2011 Read on First Reading and Referred to the Committee on LABOR, EMPLOYMENT AND HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT; 6/8/2011 House of Representatives adopted SBN-2701 as an amendment to HBN-4276;(See: O.B. dated August 1, 2011); 6/16/2011 Enrolled copies of the consolidated version of SBN-2701 and HBN-4276 sent to the House of Representatives for the signature of the Speaker and the Secretary General; 6/16/2011 Enrolled copies of the consolidated version of SBN-2701 and HBN-4276 returned to the Senate which were already signed by the Speaker and the Secretary General of the House of Representatives; 6/16/2011 Enrolled copies of the consolidated version of SBN-2701 and HBN-4276 sent to Malacanang for the signature of the President of the Philippines, His Excellency President Benigno Simeon C. Aquino III through PLLO; FINAL TITLE:
AN ACT ALLOWING THE EMPLOYMENT OF NIGHT WORKERS, THEREBY REPEALING ARTICLES 130 AND 131 OF PRESIDENTIAL DECREE NUMBER FOUR HUNDRED FORTY-TWO, AS AMENDED, OTHERWISE KNOWN AS THE LABOR CODE OF THE PHILIPPINES8/3/2011 Consolidated with SBN-2701 which was Approved and Signed into Law by the President of the Philippines, His Excellency President Benigno Simeon C. Aquino III on June 21, 2011 and became; 8/3/2011 REPUBLIC ACT NO. 10151
Note: Legislative history and other information accessed from Congress Legis. Information as of April 20, 2022.