Senate Resolution No. 114, s. 2012

Full Title
Resolution authorizing Senator Joker P. Arroyo to argue, together with the counsel-of-record, the Motion for Reconsideration filed by the representative of the Senate to the Judicial and Bar Council in the case of Francisco I. Chavez v. Judicial and Bar Council, Sen. Francis Joseph G. Escudero and Rep. Niel C. Tupas, Jr.

Senate Resolution No. 041, s. 2007

Full Title
Resolution expressing the sense of the Senate that the representatives from both Houses of Congress in the Judicial and Bar Council should be maintained and the current manner of voting which entitles each of the representatives of Congress to a full vote should be upheld

Senate Resolution No. 111, s. 2012

Full Title
Resolution expressing the sense of the Senate that the Judicial and Bar Council (JBC) defer the consideration of all nominees and the preparation of the short list to be submitted to the President for the position of Chief Justice of the Supreme Court

Senate Resolution No. 112, s. 2012

Full Title
Resolution expressing anew the sense of the Senate that the Senate and the House of Representatives should have one (1) representative each in the Judicial and Bar Council (JBC) and that each representative is entitled to a full vote

Senate Resolution No. 113, s. 2012

Full Title
Resolution to file an urgent motion with the Supreme Court to set for Oral Argument the Motion for Reconsideration filed by the Representatives of Congress to the Judicial and Bar Council (JBC) in the case of Francisco Chavez versus Judicial and Bar Council, Sen. Francis Joseph G. Escudero and Rep. Niel Tupaz, G.R. 202242 considering the primordial inmportance of the constitutional issues involved

Senate Resolution No. 116, s. 2012

Full Title
Resolution commending the Honorable Joker P. Arroyo for successfully persuading the Supreme Court in the case of Francisco I. Chavez v. Judicial and Bar Council, Sen.Francis Joseph G. Escudero and Rep. Niel Tupas, Jr. to maintain the representation and vote of both Houses of Congress in the Judicial and Bar Council