Displaying 1 - 50 of 27636

Senate Resolution No. 754, s. 1980

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Convention between the Government of the Republic of the Philippines and the Government of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan for the avoidance of double taxation and the prevention of fiscal evasion with respect to taxes on income. Signed in Manila on 22 February 1980.

Senate Resolution No. 719, s. 1978

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Memorandum of Understanding on trade textiles between the Government of the Republic of the Philippines and the Government of the Kingdom of Norway. Done in Manila, October 7, 1978.

Senate Resolution No. 718, s. 1978

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Convention between the Government of the Republic of the Philippines and the Republic of Finland for the avoidance of double taxation and the prevention of fiscal evasion with respect to taxes on inconme. Signed in Manila, October 13, 1978.

Senate Resolution No. 717, s. 1978

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Note of the Government of Japan to the Government of the Philippines concerning the supply of educational audio-visual equipment to the University of the Philippines System. Manila, September 1, 1978.

Senate Resolution No. 716, s. 1978

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Agreement between the Government of the Republic of the Philippines and the Government of the Swiss Confederation on transfer credits. Signed in Berne, August 11, 1978.

Senate Resolution No. 687, s. 1976

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Agreement between the Republic of the Philippines and the Kingdom of Belgium for the avoidance of double taxation and the prevention of fiscal evasion with respect to taxes on income. Signed in Manila, October 2, 1976.

Senate Resolution No. 680, s. 1976

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Agreement between the Government of the Republic of the Philippines and the Government of the Republic of France for the promotion of French investments in the Philippines. Signed in Versailles, June 14, 1976.

Senate Resolution No. 639, s. 1974

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Agreement on Forestry between the Government of the Republic of the Philippines and the Government of the Republic of Indonesia. Signed in Jakarta, August 8, 1974.

Senate Resolution No. 633, s. 1974

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Note of the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany to the Government of the Republic of the Philippines on the establishment of a Technical Training Center at the Metals Industry and Development Center (MIRDC), Manila, April 18, 1974.

Senate Resolution No. 612, s. 1973

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Amendment to the Parcel Post Agreement between the Republic of the Philippines and New Zealand. Signed at Wellington, August 2, 1973; at Manila, August 29, 1973.

Senate Resolution No. 605, s. 1972

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Exchange of Notes between the Republic of the Philippines and the Kingdom of Belgium relating to the grant of financial assistance by the Kingdom of Belgium to the Republic of the Philippines. Manila,November 13, 1972.

Senate Resolution No. 604, s. 1972

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Agreement between the Republic of the Philippines and the Kingdom of Belgium relating to the grant of financial assistance by the Kingdom of Belgium to the Republic of the Philippines with exchange of nites. Manila, November 13, 1972.

Senate Resolution No. 569, s. 1971

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Exchange of Notes between the Republic of the Philippines and the Federal Republic of Germany concerning the German grant of 5000 tons of fertilizer. Manila, April 16, and April 22, 1971.

Senate Resolution No. 541, s. 1970

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Agreement between the Republic of the Philippines and the International Labour Organisation concerning the establishment of an office of the organisation in Manila. Signed in Manila, January 23, 1970.

Senate Resolution No. 495, s. 1969

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Basic agreement on economic and technical cooperation between the Republic of the Philippines and the Republic of Indonesia. Done in Manila, May 30, 1969.

Senate Resolution No. 489, s. 1969

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Agreement between the Republic of the Philippines and the World Health Organization concerning a request for consultant in the production of freeze-dried smallpox vaccine. Manila, March 11, and May 30, 1969.

Senate Resolution No. 465, s. 1968

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Convention (No. 110) concerning conditions of employment of plantation workers. Adopted by the General Conference of the International Labour Organisation at its forty-second session. Geneva, 24 June 1958.

Senate Resolution No. 464, s. 1968

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Agreement on administrative arrangements for the Prek Thnot (Cambodia) Power and Irrigation Development Project. Opened for signature on 23 September 1968 at the United Nations Headquarters, New York.

Senate Resolution No. 463, s. 1968

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Second supply agreement contract for the transfer of enriched uranium for a research reactor in the Philippines. Vienna, 23 August 1968.

Senate Resolution No. 462, s. 1968

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Agreement between the Philippines and the World Health Organization concerning consultants on public health nursing and material health. Manila, 20 August and 10 October 1968.

Senate Resolution No. 461, s. 1968

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Agreement between the Philippines and the World Health Organization concerning a request for consultant for food sanitation project. Manila, 1 August and 28 November 1968.

Senate Resolution No. 459, s. 1968

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Agreement between the Philippines and the World Health Organization/united Nations Children's Fund concerning assistance to the General Health Services Project in the Philippines Manila, 24 June, 1 and 25 July 1968.

Senate Resolution No. 456, s. 1968

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Basic agreement between the Philippine Government and the United Nations/FAO World Food Program cocerning assistance from the World Food Program. Manila, 2 July 1968.

Senate Resolution No. 454, s. 1968

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Exchange of notes between the Philippines and Pakistan concerning the mutual recognition of certificates of registry. Manila, 26 June 1968.

Senate Resolution No. 453, s. 1968

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Agreement for the exchange of international money orders between the Republic of the Philippines and Japan.Signed at Tokyo on 26 June 1968 and at Manila on 8 August 1968.

Senate Resolution No. 451, s. 1968

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Amendment to Article 109 of the Charter of the United Nations, adopted by the General Assembly of the United Nations in Resolution 201 (XX) of 20 December 1965; Protocl of entry into force (with Annex). Done at the Headquarters of the United Nations, New York, on 12 June 1968.

Senate Resolution No. 449, s. 1968

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Exchange of notes constituting an Agreement between the United States of America and the Philippines on the use of the Special Fund for Education for the Fund for Assistance to Private Education. Manila, 11 June 1968.

Senate Resolution No. 448, s. 1968

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Amendment to the Articles of Agreement of the International Monetary Fund. Adopted by the Board of Governors of the Fund 31 May 1968.

Senate Resolution No. 447, s. 1968

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Agreement between the Government of the Republic of the Philippines and the Government of the United States of America relating to the employment of Philippine nationals in the United States military bases in the Philippines.

Senate Resolution No. 446, s. 1968

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Exchange of notes constituting an Agreement between the United States of America and the Republic of the Philippines concerning relinquishment of certain United States base lands in the Philippines. Manila, 30 April 1968.

Senate Resolution No. 445, s. 1968

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Exchange of notes constituting an agreement between the Republic of the Philippines and the Federal Republic of Germany on the abolition of non-immigrant visa requirements. Manila, 30 April 1968.

Senate Resolution No. 444, s. 1968

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Trade agreement between the Government of the Philippines and the Government of the Philippines and the Government of India. New Delhi, 26 march 1968.

Senate Resolution No. 443, s. 1968

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Exchange of notes between the Philippines and Switzerland concerning the reciprocal abolition of diplomatic and official visa requirements. Berne, 26 March and 29 April 1968.

Senate Resolution No. 442, s. 1968

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Air Services Agreement between the Government of the Republic of the Philippines and the Government of the Republic of Lebanon. Manila, 15 March 1968.

Senate Resolution No. 441, s. 1968

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Exchange of notes between the Philippines and Spain concerning the reciprocal abolition of non-immigrant visa requirements. Madrid, 12 March 1968.

Senate Resolution No. 440, s. 1968

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Exchange of letters constituting an Agreement between the Netherlands Government and the Government of the Philippines concerning the employment of Netherlands volunteers in the Philippines. Manila, February 13, 1968.

Senate Resolution No. 438, s. 1968

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Exchange of notes between the Philppines and Finland concerning the reciprocal abolition of non-immigrant visa requirements. Manila, 7 February 1968.

Senate Resolution No. 437, s. 1968

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Exchange of notes constituting an Agreement between the United States of America and the Philippines for the establishment at Clark Air Base of a commercial branch by a Philippine bank and relating to United States treasury facilities at Clark Field Air Base and Sangley Point Navy Base. Manila, January 17 and 23, 1968.

Senate Resolution No. 436, s. 1967

Full Title
Agreement between the Government of Malaysia, the Government of the Republic of the Philippines, the government of the Republic of Singapore, the Government of the Kingdom of Thailand and the Government of the Republic of Vietnam establishing the Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center. Done at Bangkok, on 28 December 1967.

Senate Resolution No. 435, s. 1967

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Exchange of notes constituting an agreement amending the agreement between the United States of America and the Philippines concerning trade in cotton textiles of 21 September 1967. Washington, 26 December 1967.

Senate Resolution No. 434, s. 1967

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Amendments to the FAO constitution adopted by the Fourteenth session of the Conference of the organization. Rome, 4-23 November 1967.

Senate Resolution No. 433, s. 1967

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Amendment to Article I (a) of the Plant Protection Agreement for the South-East Asia and Pacific Region. Rome, 30 October to 3 November 1967.